About Dr. Ana Kandare Šoljaga


Doctor of Psychology

In Private practice for over 20 years


Everybody calls me Ana. Dr. Ana. I grew up wanting a name that was serious, complex, and mysterious, such as Catherine, Magdalene or Rebecca. Instead, I was just Ana. As plain as it gets.

When your name is Ana, you never get a nickname – but somehow everybody knows you. Wherever in the world I find myself, people seem to already know me. I was once introduced to a colleague in Bali, who said, "Dr. Ana? Well, that's easy to remember. Just like a Balinese name!"

See? Wherever I am, I am home.

Today, I am proud of my name, and pleased to know that I impart to others the same warm congeniality that so many over the years have imparted to me. I'm someone with whom you will quickly feel close and comfortable; I'm easy to talk to, confide in, to tell the story of your life to.

People often say my books are written like conversations – something I'm always happy to hear, since that's exactly how I think of them. I believe in the power of conversation. It is through conversation that we build real and trustworthy relationships. I believe that it is the relationship that is crucial to therapeutic change, that it is the relationship that heals. Precisely, it is human connectedness that heals us all, and in my work, I strive for that connectedness above all else.

Through my familiarity with modern scientific findings, and the direct experience of my practice, I have learned that having a strong, genuine, and positive relationship with another person – especially someone knowledgeable about surviving and coping with all the pain, suffering, fears, and trauma that life can engender – can spell the difference between living a life defined by misery and anxiety, and living happily and easily, with kindness, compassion, and an ongoing sense of satisfaction and optimism.

I am a licensed psychologist with a Ph.D. in Psychology, a best-selling author, and have over twenty years of experience doing intensive work with others. In the course of my work I employ a mix of cutting-edge research and personal knowledge gleaned from my years of professional experience - but, above all, I remain focused on maintaining with my clients a real and present connectedness, every step of the way.

My goal is to create a safe place for my clients to strive for their personal transformation and growth. I foster a safe place, where every person can move from self-destruction to self-respect, from despair to hopefulness, from discouragement to success. It's my privilege, every day, to create a space wherein my clients feel safe and secure, free to search for a deeper understanding of themselves, other people, and the world around them. I guide my clients into fully and properly valuing themselves, and help them learn to develop better and healthier relationships with the people in their life. I help them learn the best ways to love, and be loved.


A guide for parents

Published in Croatia (Znanje, 2014)



Praktični vodnik za starše

Published in Slovenia (Mladinska knjiga, 2017)

A guide for coping and prevention  

Published in Croatia (Znanje, 2016)


Vodič za suočavanje i prevenciju

Published in Serbia (Laguna, 2016)

